“Love and work are to people what water and sunshine are to plants.”
― Jonathan Haidt
my first week at the greenhouse, april 2021enjoying the petunias, april 2021working with succulents for the first time, april 2021succulent combo bowl finished products, april 2021bear paw succulents (cotyledon ladismithiensis), may 2021filling pots for mums, may 2021planting chrysanthemum plugs, june 2021chrysanthemum closeup, june 2021sunflower seeds, june 2021a toasty day at the greenhouse, july 2021echeveria “tippy” that caught my eye, july 2021first sunflower bloom, july 2021before and after sweeping, july 2021sunflowers in full bloom, august 2021making bouquets from on-site cut flower garden, september 2021dallas red lantana tree blossoms, september 2021first poinsettia to start turning color, october 2021replacing a blower fan, october 2022first week making wreaths for the holiday season, november 2021post wreath-making hands, november 2021enjoying the greenhouse, november 2021racks filled with baby plants, november 2021boston ferns plugs, november 2021planting geranium plugs, november 2021mowing the lawn (with scissors), november 2021fancy wreaths, november 2021echeveria pulvinata just beginning to bloom, november 2021sun catching water on baby spike grasses, november 2021repotting baby aloe vera, december 2021baby petunia, december 2021